Monday, July 11, 2011

Run g00t, running g00t

So I'm a few posts behind... haven't been keeping up as well as i should have, so I've been to Morongo 3 times since my last post. I lost the last two times i went unfortunately... so i was down $200 just bringing a single buy in each time. One losing session happened during a gambling degen trip when i started playing at midnight and busted out around 6AM. The other i just went in the evening and got super card dead and didn't run well but such is poker...

This was the end result(pure profit) of my 2 hour run this last Sunday. I already had $100 in my pocket because some one wanted to buy chips off me as i left the table. So depicted was just pure money in my wallet. I turned $100 into $765. I had some good hands that I played well and got max value and never gave up more money than I should have. I ran pretty well too and only missed one sizeable draw. The table saw me as a total action junkie because i was being friendly with a LOUD guy on my left who was hyping up how aggressive i was to the table when i was playing position and just playing good cards in general. Within the first 10 hands i got K/Jo in UTG+1 (the seat 1 to the left of the first person to act). UTG raised to $6 and i mini-raised him to $12 and got two callers and he closed the action with flat calling the other $6. So their was $48 in the pot going to the flop. He lead the j/j/9 (two spade) board for $10 and i repop'd him to $40 so he shoved all in and i called with trip jacks when he had pocket queens. He was a passive trapper. I would have EASILY folded my hand had he re-raised preflop but he ended up getting punished. He was a terrible player. Against the same guy i had pocket 6's in the small blind and the flop came A/7/6 i lead all three streets and doubled up through him again. I was over $500 at this point. My next big hand i floped top pair and the nut flush draw and i got another ~$200 pot. It was an extremely easy day of poker where i played well. Got away from top pair every time i needed too and didn't get into any crappy spots. My favorite days of poker :)

If you have any questions feel free to ask!


  1. do you really earn money with playing poker?

  2. Great post! I can't believe that donk gave you all that free money! Keep up the grind and check out my blog I think you will like it!

  3. Ya! I usually make $30-$45 an hour when i play at the local Indian casino! It's really easy (after playing almost daily for 2 years learning the game)

  4. i seriously need to lean how to play missing out

  5. Excellent blog man, been needing to teach myself some poker! +followed, for life,

  6. Wow, I'm absolutely horrible at Poker, or even any kind of gambling. I can't believe that you make a living off of it.

  7. i have yet to play for real money, but i do decent in friendly games. following for possible tips.

  8. Nice job. Where is this Morongo?

  9. Morongo is a indian casino out near Palm Springs in Southern California. Easy place to make money playing poker!

  10. I need to go to a casino some time..

  11. Nice job man. I wish I was better at poker. I play casually with friends, but could never really do good at a casino. Props to you! +Followed

  12. I could really use some poker help. This one time I was up with about 90% of the chips with just one other person left, and I thought I could rely completely on confidence. Lost me the game, lol.
